Electronics Steward
In today’s modern tech society we often deal with abstracts like data and content and stare at computer screens for a good portion of the day. This was and is a good portion of life and a few years ago I found myself thinking I needed to do something with my hands in the tangible world or that I would go insane. Making is my sanity check. Sharing that sanity with others and helping them build stuff is rewarding it its own regard. Being part of a creative community like AMT helps me create more myself and is a great way to find the inspiration to finish that project you are working on.
At AMT, the saying goes that because we are a volunteer organization, nothing happens until someone gets pissed off enough about the status quo to go and change it. That moment came for me in the Electronics Area. I could see the potential and wanted to make Electronics more active in AMT life. Sharing ideas, building stuff together and seeing what the other person is up to are fun things and none of that was happening at the time in Electronics. I had an idea of what it looked like and was happy to see that come to fruition. Future ideas are more “Learning to Solder” classes, the cardboard robot fighting league idea, and perhaps a DIY LED lamp class or two. There are plenty of things we can be making and building together.