* A recent, recognizable picture for our non-public Member Directory is required for membership. This picture is never shared with the public, and it’s removed from the directory once your membership is no longer active.
** Membership account means a payment account on this website; it does not refer to full membership in the California Benefit Corporation known as Ace Monster Toys.
Membership Activation. Reach out on Slack or via support@acemakerspace.org to arrange picking up your fob. Check your email if you don’t get the expected confirmation or ping fobs@acemakerspace.org
Membership Cancellation. All members control their own membership accounts including cancellation. Cancellations are not prorated and all billing is in 1-month increments. Membership is tied to access, not use. Refunds based on lack of use are not provided. Instructions for canceling or suspended memberships are on the Ace Makerspace Wiki.