
Three Covid Safe Electronics Prototyping Stations


The Electronics Program at Ace Makerspace is in the Clean Fabrication Room (upstairs #214). Electronics and tinkering with circuits have been a core focus of members at Ace since the very beginning. Lots of projects built in other areas like Textiles or the Woodshop have an electronic component, as everyone likes to have things light up and blink and make beeping noises.

We are organized around three workstations where you can sit down, and all the tools needed to start tinkering at are within hand’s reach. We have one station set up as a diagnostics station with various scopes and tools.

Electronics is more than just our workstations

We have a wide variety of parts and components available to members to incorporate into their designs. You could build projects just based on the parts available. Materials range in use from “please help yourself” to “use and replace” to “use and leave here.

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