COVID-19 Safety Program


Update 1.31.24

Ace Makerspace had a robust and community centered response to the COVID-19 emergency. This page details much of our response and is available for historical purposes.

Our current policy is as follows: While we strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated, we do not require proof of vaccination to attend. 

All instructors, assistants, students, and guests are required to wear masks when required by the instructor or host.

Each student must provide their own mask as we do not have enough to distribute to everyone. 

Update 6.27.23

Your safety is our highest priority, so we have put protocols in place for our in-person workshops to keep everyone safe. 

All instructors, assistants, students, and guests are required to wear masks when required by the instructor or host. Each student must provide their own mask as we do not have enough to distribute to everyone. 

While we strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated, we do not require proof of vaccination to attend. 

Guests must have a completed Guest Account.

New Guests must have a Full Guest Account before this event starts. Get a FREE account set up today –

Ace Makerspace Members must have completed all their Ace membership paperwork before the workshop. 

ALL Members and Guests are responsible for complying with the Ace COVID Safety Policy while in Ace spaces.

Update 3.24.23

This policy was updated on March 24, 2023, to reflect the mandates of Alameda County and the State of California.

  • Masks are optional except when required by class instructors or event hosts. Requirements will be posted on events. 
  • We are no longer requiring vaccination
  • Sanitize after yourself all the time
  • Check-in in every room you visit, even guests. If you can’t check-in don’t go in.
  • Disclose if you accidentally come to Ace after being exposed or testing positive.

See the complete POLICY HERE

Update 6.28.22

This policy was updated on June 24th, 2022, to reflect the mandates of Alameda County and the State of California.

  • Masks are optional except when required by class instructors or event hosts. Requirements will be posted on events. 
  • Everybody needs to be vaccinated and verified. We are no longer offering exemptions.(Please note that membership an 24/7 access requires your verification to be on file with us. We use DocuSign for records retention)
  • Sanitize after yourself all the time
  • Check-in in every room you visit, even guests. If you can’t check-in don’t go in.
  • Disclose if you accidentally come to Ace after being exposed or testing positive.

See the complete POLICY HERE

Update 6.3.22

This policy was updated on June 3, 2022, to reflect the mandates of Alameda County and the State of California.

  • Masks are required in all spaces at all times. Yes, even when you are alone. Our spaces are not considered private at any time.
    • The only exception is when actively eating or drinking.
  • Everybody needs to be vaccinated and verified. We are no longer offering exemptions.
  • Sanitize after yourself all the time
  • Check-in in every room you visit, even guests. If you can’t check-in don’t go in.
  • Disclose if you accidentally come to Ace after being exposed or testing positive.

See the complete POLICY HERE

Update 3.1.22

This policy was updated on March 1, 2022, to reflect the mandates of Alameda County and the State of California.

  • Masks are optional except when required by class instructors or event hosts. Requirements will be posted on events. 
  • Everybody needs to be vaccinated and verified. We are no longer offering exemptions.
  • Sanitize after yourself all the time
  • Check-in in every room you visit, even guests. If you can’t check-in don’t go in.
  • Disclose if you accidentally come to Ace after being exposed or testing positive.

See the complete POLICY HERE

Update 1.2.22

With Omincron surging and the statewide mask order now in effect Ace has updated policy again. Read the details policy and guide for members and guests on our wiki.


  • Masks in all the rooms, all the time. Even when you are alone.
  • Check-in and Check-out REQUIRED! We will be monitoring the camera feed. It is very important for us to have records of who is in the space when, in case there is an exposure.
  • If you test positive for covid and were in the space for 5 days prior please notify the community via officers. Then stay home and isolate for 5 days. Do not return to Ace until you have been symptom-free for 5 days straight.
  • If you are exposed, please isolate for 5 days. Do not return to Ace until you have been symptom-free for 5 days straight.
  • All visitors and members need to provide vaccination verification prior to being in the space. Exemptions can allow 48-hour access if negative test results can be provided. This has not changed.

Update 11.11.21

The county of Alameda recently changed its mask mandate to allow certain locations not open to the public to relax the mandatory mask mandate. Read the actual order.

What this means for us

  • Check-in (and out) Now Required! With the switch regarding mask policy, it is important for people to know what they are walking into. All folks going in or out of space should use the check-in stations! if you don’t/can’t check in don’t go in.
  • Alone in a room? Mask only if you want to. From now on when you are alone you can unmask but the folks coming into the space need to be able to check the screen and know what they are walking into. More than one person in a room requires masks.
  • January 15 target for masks-optional at Ace. Once we get through the holidays, if the order remains in place and the situation remains stable the mask policy will shift to masks optional but vaccination requirements will remain strictly enforced to be in line with the public health order.

Reminder: Please do not make assumptions or shame about anyone still in a mask. There are many reasons people may choose to wear a mask that doesn’t have anything to do with vaccination. If you have any issues with any other members regarding vaccination status, mask use, or health or safety concerns please specifically please contact

Update 9.1.21

Clarification about kids at Ace. Babies and very young children can’t mask… so they can’t be at Ace. For the most part, they also can’t be vaccinated. All humans need to be vaccinated and wear masks, it is that simple.

Folks should also know that even if exposed to the vaccine in utero CDC states that babies exposed to vaccines in utero will lose protection as they do not have fully developed immune systems. As not fully vaccinated persons they would have to follow more strict protections.

We will be returning to our more open policy for kids when it is safe to do so. Thank you for your patience.

Update 7.30.2021

More changes. In accordance with CDC recommendations, we are changing our COVID policy and again applying common sense.

As of August 1, 2021 masks are required for all people in Ace spaces. Please learn more about mask standards and appropriate wear in the guide. This change has been made and will stay in place as long as Alameda County is deemed a COVID “hotspot”.  On August 3rd Alameda County released a health order requiring masks in all indoor settings regardless of vaccination settings.

Going forward, all members and visitors at Ace will need to be vaccinated. Anybody claiming a religious or medical exemption will need to provide a negative COVID test before each visit that is no older than 48 hours. This policy will be phased in between August 1, 2021, and August 20, 2021.

Access including doors and booking systems will be updated on August 20th to reflect the vaccination requirements. After the 20th if you don’t have a vaccination verified on file your fob may not work.

How to verify your vaccination

Instructions for Guests

Guests will need to set up a free guest account and provide proof of vaccination. When you sign up you will be directed to links to fill out the liability waiver and your vaccination validation.

Create Guest Account

Instructions for Ace Members

Login at and go to your My Account page to access the forms and provide your proof of vaccination. You will only need to do this once. If for any reason you don’t feel comfortable uploading your data please make an office hours appointment via calendly to share it over Zoom.


If you are claiming a medical or religious exemption from vaccination requirements, you will need to provide a recent (48-hours or less) Negative COVID test for each visit to the space. If for any reason you don’t feel comfortable uploading your data please make an office hours appointment via calendly to share it over Zoom. Guests and members can access the forms via the My Account page once they are logged into

Update 6.20.2021

Masks are optional for vaccinated people and required for unvaccinated people. If you are uncomfortable in small rooms with groups of unmasked people we respect that you will not be able to attend. We will not be able to accommodate requests for vaccinated people or all people in the workshop to wear masks. Respectfully ~ Ace Makerspace

Update 6.15.21

Ace Makerspace is operating in accordance with Alameda County, California State, and CDC guidelines which were updated June 15th. We are also applying common sense and our policies as based on creating a reasonable and safe environment for everyone we serve.

As of 6.15.21 masks are required in all common spaces and hallways of the building Ace Makerspace occupies. Everyone should wear a mask in the hallways and bathrooms and follow all posted notices.

Masks are now optional for vaccinated people in Ace spaces

If you are vaccinated wearing a mask is now optional in Ace spaces. Please follow all posted signage in other parts of the building.

Unvaccinated people need to wear a mask in all Ace spaces

If you are not vaccinated please were a mask in all Ace spaces with other people for your own safety as recommended by the CDC.


Cleaning your touchpoints and sanitizing your hands is still the right thing to do. These are the vectors of infection. Also, avoid touching your face. This especially important as COVID variants spread. It is also the easiest way to help keep yourself and others safe.

Booking is strongly recommended but not required

Making informed choices is still really important for everyone in Ace spaces. Booking and checking-in are still possible for members and check-in spots have been increased to accommodate the increased traffic.

Notice 6.15.21: The booking system is currently being revised in order to serve the membership as a great communication and notification tool.

Legacy Program

Our COVID-19 Safety program is designed for anyone coming to Ace Makerspace and is specific to our policies and resources. The program described below is the legacy program that was in effect from June 2020 to August 2021. 

Request a tour

For safety reasons, all of our tours are 1:1.

Tours are given by 1 trained volunteer tour-guide to one person or one group of the same household/germ bubble of no more than 3 people. Anybody coming for a tour must be:

COVID Safety Certification for Members

Member Safety certification is made of two parts.

  1. Watch the video below
  2. A test that checks that you absorbed the knowledge in the training

All members will require COVID-19 Certification to access online booking tools and physically access the space. Prospective members are free to take this course before completing sign-up.

All COVID-19 Training and access to the knowledge check is free and available to the public. There is also this reference guide.

Take the Knowledge Check for Members

COVID Safety Training for Visitors

Member Safety certification is made of two parts.

  1. Watch the video below
  2. A test that checks that you absorbed the knowledge in the training

All visitors including students to classes are required to have COVID-19 Safety certification.

All COVID-19 Training and access to the knowledge check is free and available to the public. There is also this reference guide.

Passing the following knowledge check is required for all visitors to Ace Makerspace. This includes Oakland Community PPE volunteers and workshop students.

Knowledge Check for Visitors